Whenever you see someone suffering a heart attack in the movies, it’s always very dramatic.
The person clutches their chest, cries out in pain and collapses to the floor in a melodramatic manner.
Like almost everything in Hollywood, the truth about heart attacks is very different to what you see in the movies.
For example, up to 45% of heart attacks are what are called “silent heart attacks”. They occur with very little outward signs at all. But like everything that happens in your body, if you pay close attention to what is going on with it, not only can you recognise a “silent heart attack” when it happens but you can also be alert to the “early warning signs” of a heart attack BEFORE it happens.
The first early warning sign of a potential heart attack is when you start suffering from what a lot of people think is indigestion or even “heartburn”. Because the tube that leads to your stomach and the top of your stomach are close to your heart, pain in this area can be confused. If it continues beyond treatment with normal antacids, it’s time to start paying attention.
The second early warning sign is pain in your arm, shoulder or even in your upper back, particularly if it’s your left arm or shoulder or the left side of your body. (Because that’s where your heart is.) This pain can even extend up into your neck or jaw. (While some people might think it is just an injury or the way they slept on that side, if it is persistent, deep pain, best to get yourself checked out by a doctor.
Cold sweats is another early sign of a potential heart attack to look out for. Sweating is a normal function of the body during exercise or excessive heat but if you just suddenly start sweating when you are not exercising or it’s actually quite cool, this can be a sign your body is going into “fight or flight” mode in preparation for a heart attack.
Lightheadedness and dizziness can also be another early warning sign of a heart attack because it can be a sign that blood is not being properly pumped to your brain because there are blockages around your heart that is not letting enough blood through. Which is what actually causes the heart attack.
Of course, any type of persistent and/or severe chest pain, along with any shortness of breath would be very clear signs of an impending heart attack. They could even be a sign you have already suffered a “silent” heart attack and didn’t even know it.
Any man or woman over 45 needs to pay close attention to all these early warning signs.
Of course, while prevention is better than cure, if you or someone around you suffers a heart attack, knowing how to do CPR is the best way to save them.
You can book your CPR training now at https://www.resultsfirstaid.com/book