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First Aid training back to normal after Covid19

In another sign the worst of Covid19 is behind us, first aid training is reverting back to how it was before we heard of this virus.

In short that means we in the First Aid Training industry will be teaching our courses like we used to in the “good old days”! (Apart from social distancing guidelines, etc.)

This change back to “normal” training comes after a request from the ARC (Australian Resuscitation Council) who are the regulatory body for all first aid training in Australia.

According to the statement issued by NIFAT (National Institute of First Aid Trainers), effective from September 1st 2022, you will start to again see the following reimplemented into all first aid training.

“Learners will be required to demonstrate rescue breathing techniques on manikins and not simulate such skills to the side of the manikin as previously allowed during the pandemic.

“Learners will not have the opportunity to request an exemption from providing rescue breaths if they wish to gain a competent result in the Unit of Competency and/or qualification.

“Additionally, any other adjustments that first aid trainers may have made during the COVID-19 pandemic should be reviewed to ensure the integrity of the Unit of Competency and/or qualification is upheld. As an example, skills such as care of the unconscious casualty, auto-injector administration and bleeding control should be demonstrated on another person (a ‘casualty’), and not themselves.

Some of the things that will continue to remain in first aid training is the following of social distancing guidelines as per the State Government requirements. (This is why you will notice the seating in our courses is at separate tables for example.)

As a responsible first aid training organisation, Results First Aid training will continue to follow all proper infection control procedures and manufacturer guidelines in regards to hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting of CPR manikins and equipment.

We will also continue to follow any State or Federal Health authority’s advice, as well as the ARC’s recommendations and guidelines.

If you’d like to know more about the official statement regarding the return to “normality” for first aid training on 1st September 2022, please see this statement

And, of course, if you have any further questions or need to book first aid training, please contact us at


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