Summer’s coming! And that means holidays, days at the beach or by the pool. Yippee!
But unfortunately, it also means a greater risk of injury, especially to young children. In fact hospital records show there’s a 10% jump in admissions to hospital emergency departments over the summer holidays. So here are some tips on how to avoid the most common summer dangers and what to do if the worst happens.
1. Heat stroke/heat exhaustion
Let’s face it, kids love being out in the sun! But running around on hot days can lead to heat stroke and heat exhaustion. The best advice is to keep your kids in the shade, keep them well hydrated with heaps of water and give them breaks in the shade or inside, especially during the hottest part of the day. Remember to Slip, Slop & Slap! To treat heat exhaustion, see our earlier blog
2. Bluebottle Jellyfish stings
If you’re heading up North, beware the Bluebottles! If you or someone in your family does get stung, monitor closely for severe reactions and call 000 if the person starts to worsen. Carefully remove the tentacles with tweezers and rinse the affected area with hot water. Do NOT use seawater, alcohol or urine! Don’t scrape off the tentacles and don’t apply a pressure bandage!
3. Snake bites
Spring and Summer are the highest risk times for snake bites when they are active after winter hibernation. Never walk through long grass and always wear sturdy boots when bushwalking! If you get bitten, apply a pressure bandage, limit limb movement, apply a splint if you can and call for help. For more details on snakebite first aid read our blog
4. Drownings
Of course, the biggest risk over summer is drowning. Not just at the beach but in backyard pools, even toddler pools. Never let young kids out of your sight at the beach. Make sure your pool is properly fenced and stay within arm’s reach of toddlers in shallow play pools. If the worst happens, get the child out of the water fast and follow the instructions in this blog.
5. First Aid Kits
So many summer disasters can be avoided or made less dramatic if you always travel with a fully-stocked first aid kit. Keep one in the car, by the pool, at the campsite, in the caravan so you’ll always have what you need in an emergency close at hand. They make thoughtful stocking fillers. Buy yours now at